Wedding Games-How to Play The Shoe Game
by DJ Mike Seaquist
The Shoe game is sometimes known as the Newly Wed Game. To play the game you will sit or stand back-to-back in a central location like the dance floor. Your DJ or MC will ask you 10-15 questions that you chose and provide ahead of time. You and your spouse will need one shoe of your own and one of theirs. The answer to each of the questions is either him or her and you will use your shoes to indicate your answers. The best time to play the Shoe Game is during your dinner service and will last about 5-10 minutes. Your friends and family will have a blast and your answers will be sure to gain lots of laughs, ooh’s and aw’s.
I have scanned the internet to find the best 80 Shoe Game questions. Chose 10-15 questions from the list below or search Google for “Wedding Game Questions” or “Newlywed Game Questions” to find others.
1. Who spends the most time getting ready to go out?
2. Who will be doing most of the yard work?
3. Now that you're married, who will be the first to say... "not tonight"?
4. Who's the better kisser?
5. Who will be the first to fall asleep tonight?
6. Who's the 1st one to make up after a fight?
7. Who's the one that started the fight in the first place?
8. Who is more romantic?
9. Who is hotter?
10. Who made the first move?
11. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
12. Who says ‘I love you’ most often?
13. Who says ‘I’m sorry’ first after an argument?
14. Who was the bigger geek at school?
15. Who is more likely to cheat on a test?
16. Who is more creative?
17. Who is the better driver?
18. Who is better at keeping secrets?
19. Who is more spontaneous?
20. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
21. Who is more likely to drop their phone in a toilet?
22. Who is more likely to get injured/is clumsy?
23. Who looks better in glasses?
24. Who is a better dresser?
25. Who spends more money?
26. Who’ll be in control of the TV remote?
27. Who is more likely to deal with a spider in the house?
28. Who is more likely to get lost?
29. Who is more likely to ask for directions?
30. Who is messier?
31. Who spends the most amount of time in front of the mirror?
32. Who has the craziest family?
33. Who is the better kisser?
34. Who gives better birthday presents?
35. Who has a better sense of style?
36. Who talks more?
37. Who is more likely to use all the hot water?
38. Who is more likely to wake up with a hangover?
39. Who snores the loudest?
40. Who has better general knowledge?
41. Who is a bigger baby when they have a cold?
42. Who has the better taste in music?
43. Who is always right?
44. Who test the funniest jokes?
45. Who is a better dancer?
46. Who is the most organized?
47. Who is less likely to reach for their wallet to pay for dinner?
48. Who is more stubborn?
49. Who did more of the wedding planning?
50. Who owns the most pairs of shoes or sunglasses etc.?
51. Who spends more time on Facebook?
52. Who do you love most in the world?
53. Who is older?
54. Who has more siblings?
55. When you first met, who made the first move?
56. Who has been in more fender benders?
57. Who got better grades in school?
58. Who is smarter?
59. Who is more creative?
60. Who is better at keeping surprises?
61. Who is more adventurous?
62. Who is more likely to get injured?
63. Who is more likely to get sunburned?
64. Who is the better dresser?
65. Who is the money saver?
66. Who is going to pay the bills?
67. Who uses their iPad or iPhone more?
68. Who spends more time on Facebook or twitter?
69. Who’s more likely to do the dishes?
70. Who sings better?
Question Sources